Emergency Contact Number - 112 | For psycho social support for victims of gender violence, contact Sampark Help Desk: - 1800-4191-813 | For Women-181 / 1091 | NCW-7827170170 | Legal Aid-0671-2307432 / 1516 / 15100 | For Children-1098 (Child line) / 1800-345-4494 (OSCPCR) | Cyber Crime-7077798111 / 1930

Juvenile Justice

In order to address the vulnerabilities of children, the juvenile justice system with delivery structures have been set-up for providing protection and care to following category of children in adversities:

  • Children in need of care and protection
  • Children in conflict with the law

Special Juvenile Police Units (SJPU) set up in every district in accordance with Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015, work as a watchdog for protecting children in vulnerable and at risk situations and ensure networking and convergence with government and non-government organizations. They ensure that the principles of juvenile justice as presumption of innocence, dignity and worth, best interest, family responsibility, safety, positive measures, non-stigmatizing semantics, non-waiver of rights, equality and non-discrimination, right to privacy and confidentiality, institutionalization as the last resort, repatriation and restoration, fresh start, diversion and natural justice, are adhered to in interface of Juveniles with Police.

WHOM TO CONTACT : Police Station, SJPU or Helpline
HOW TO REPORT : Mahila & Shishu Help Desk of nearest Police Station
KNOW YOUR NEAREST POLICE STATION : https://www.odishapolice.gov.in/?q=node/2630
HELPLINE : 181 | 1098 (Childline) | 1800-4191-813  (Sampark Help Desk)

Laws for Juvenile Justice: In line with the United Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 is the primary legislation dealing with the ‘children in need of care and protection’ and ‘children in conflict with the law’. 

Acts & Rules Circulars/ Notifications