Emergency Contact Number - 112 | For psycho social support for victims of gender violence, contact Sampark Help Desk: - 1800-4191-813 | For Women-181 / 1091 | NCW-7827170170 | Legal Aid-0671-2307432 / 1516 / 15100 | For Children-1098 (Child line) / 1800-345-4494 (OSCPCR) | Cyber Crime-7077798111 / 1930

Sampark Help Desk


“SAMPARK Help Desk” is functioning from the office of ADGP, Crime Against Women and Children Wing and is dedicated to the cause of vulnerable section of the society. Sampark Help Desk is addressing issues of gender violence by way of reaching out to the public through telephonic calls. The Desk provides the following services to the victims of gender violence.


  • Providing Information and Referral: The Desk connects the victim with different stakeholders like the police, District Mental Health Program, District Child Protection Units, Child Welfare Committees, CHILDLINE, One Stop Centre, District Legal Services Authority and others.
  • Rights based Awareness: The Help desk creates awareness among the victims for their rights regarding financial compensation, witness protection etc.
  • Tele-Counseling: It provides first level response for providing mental health and psychosocial well-being.
  • Follow-up: Follow-up on progress, concerns and risks, if any, for the concerned woman/ child

Composition: SAMPARK Help Desk has psychologist/counsellors who are trained in providing the responses to women and children through tele-counselling.

Key Partners for SAMPARK Help Desk: Department of Women and Child Development, UNICEF & other related departments working in the field of ensuring protection of women and children.